Monday, July 2, 2012

Week of Turmoil Ends With Monograms

It's been quite a week, let me tell you.

Quite. A. Week.

First, we are still plagued with a serious drought. So far it's nearly three weeks of no rain. Add almost a week of triple digit temperatures and you get true misery. My plants are barely hanging on despite a generous morning watering. My beautiful squash and zucchini are dieing. Every yard is brown and it's unbearable to be outside.

Since my garden is lacking, I unfortunately have not cooked much. But there is another reason for that matter. I battled a horrendous infection that caused an abscess this week. Needless to say, I was out of commission for a few days. Despite any afflictions dealt with in my life, this is truly the worst.

During that time, I've developed a new Netflix addiction to Showtime's "The Tudors." If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm a nerd. To my core. So while others watch reality shows or family dramas, I watch science or history-based features. And what is more suspense-filled than the lifetime of King Henry VIII and his six wives. I can't say if the show is completely accurate, but who cares?
Despite how much I've obsessed over the show, I can only laze about so much. But with that being said, I found quite a few restrictions. Too hot to be outside. The infection kept me away from food. Infection also kept me from yoga. Too lazy to dedicate myself enough to a book worth reading. And there's a lack of inspiration for a knitting project. These are all only excuses, I know. Sue me.

BUT there's a craft that I've missed since the ole' Festivus season. Painting. And I've developed a love for monograms. Combine the two and I think we have a hobby.
First painted monogram- For Festivus
Since I previously painted a monogram for the holiday season, I decided to eventually do one for each season. So I painted a summer "B" designed for summer.
I think I subconsciously added blue in hopes of water/rain
These monograms are so fun to make. They are also cheap... that is after you set aside the cost of paints. I just get a standard cardboard letter from Hobby Lobby & go to town. These letters should only cost a dollar. I typically paint it white first then slowly work the layers from the bottom up.
The other B will be dedicated to Autumn
Through out the next year or so, I hope to incorporate more monograms through out our home... Pinterest opened my mind to so many ideas. Maybe even over the mantle? A gal can dream.

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