Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Start of Garden 2013

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I do miss parts of Spring. I mostly miss baking with local seasonal fruit. I yearn to pick buckets of strawberries & bake crunch bars. Speaking with local farmers about their harvests. Cooking breakfast with eggs from my friend's hen house! All of it!

Thankfully I don't have to wait much longer. This weekend I was able to start the process of getting this year's garden ready! We now have a few seeds on our hands.

If you're wondering why it looks like the seeds are wrapped in newspaper is because they are. Once these little guys are ready, I should be able to plot them into the ground with their biodegradable newspaper pot! I found the idea from this website. The instructions are super easy to follow. I didn't even need to use masking tape. They held together well enough with water & weight. It's now sitting in a warm, sunny spot in our attic.

So what are we growing this year? Well, I started some spinach, bell peppers, echinacea, lavender, sunflowers, Japanese irises, baby blue eyes, and columbine. 

Aren't they cute?!
I was able to plant a few more seeds outside of these little guys. We also have some basil and calendula in a few pots. I also brought out the pots that still contain last year's mint, chamomile & oregano so here's hoping those grow back. I found out today (of course) that we are actually expecting some snow later this week. I'm hoping the seeds are young enough to be protected in the ground. If not, I'll get to try all over again. At least it's a good weekend therapy! Have you started your garden yet?

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